Caribbean Song

English Lyrics

One aim, one history and one blood
of forces varied near and far.
We, the people of Caribia,
proclaim that free and equal all we are!
No brutal power can crush the love
that stirs our hearts with strong desire.
Truth has shattered stupid enmity;
our solidarity burns like fire.

The crime of poverty we shall fight
with work, endurance, faith and might.
Never ever shall we tolerate
a hungry child alone to pass the night.
A magic arc of peace strewn wide
across a deep blue wondrous sea.
Sun, oh symbol of our unity!
We are proud Caribbeans to be!


Appeal to Caribbean musicians

Which Caribbean band wants to turn this
song into a hit (either in English or Spanish)?

Contact us.

Please respect our copyrights and
make a deal beforehand. Thanks

Spanish Lyrics

Un fin, una historia y una sangre
de fuerzas de aqui e de allá
Nosotros, pueblo de Caribia,
libres e iguales proclamamos ser!
Ninguna fuerza quebrará el amor
que llena nuestro corazón.
La verdad venció a la enemistad;
la solidaridad nos prende el alma.

La probreza, cruel crimen, combatir
con trabajo, perseverancia y fe.
Nunca, nunca toleremos
que un niño hambriento duerma en soledad.
Un arco mágico de paz se abrió
en este maravilloso mar.
Sol, oh! signo de nuestra union.
Orgulloso caribiano soy!

Adaptación al español:

Appeal to Caribbean musicians
Which Caribbean band wants to turn this
song into a hit (either in English or Spanish)?

Contact us.

Please respect our copyrights and
make a deal beforehand. Thanks