Pain: Pills or Possibilities

By: Caritas Puella
Nothing motivates nor exacerbates our mood and disposition as much as pain! There’s the saying, “It’s a pain in the neck,” when we are referring to something annoying. Some folks even may go so far as to say, “It’s a pain in the derrière.” Whatever! Pain is pain no matter where one experiences it. And what is pain?

Pain is the body’s way of getting our attention to tell us that something’s amiss usually with that part of the body that experiences pain. Commonly recognized pain signals include lower right abdomen for appendicitis; mid chest and/or left arm radiating pain for heart attack; or toothache pain for a probable cavity or abscess. Those types of pain usually are acute and demand immediate and/or emergency medical treatment.

However, there is a type of pain that folks live with day in and day out. It’s called chronic pain and results from long standing chronic diseases often commonly associated with ageing. Other pain can result from having had an accident where tissue is damaged and one of the residual effects could be pain. These are the types of pain that send folks to physicians for pills to help manage the pain. Often times, folks become zoned out from taking so many painkillers or, worse yet, become addicted to or dependent upon these chemical mood elevators and wind up in prescription drug detox programs. But is there anything that can be done other than taking prescription drugs to alleviate pain? Yes, especially in the management of chronic pain due to rheumatoid diseases; chronic intestinal pain not associated with cancer; even some headaches, particularly migraine headaches. So what’s the answer?

Nutritional science has revealed that what we put into our bodies in the way of food and beverages definitely affects the human body’s ecology, especially pH values that, in turn, can ratchet up pain receptors to come on BIG time thereby causing exhausting pain.

For anyone stiffened with rheumatoid pain, a surprising and almost immediate reactionary relief can be found by eliminating from the diet, members of the nightshade family: potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and tobacco-smoking. What happens is certain alkaloids-naturally-occurring chemicals in these plants-promote a pH reaction within human tissue that “encourages” pain, and when these items are taken out of the diet and lifestyle, the body “detoxifies” itself of them and pain is thereby decreased.

In the case of intestinal pain, medicine has known for a long time that what one eats will affect the intestinal tract as it travels the route to elimination. Probably the most important factor in the management of intestinal pain is the removal of all man-made chemicals in processed foods, canola oil, vinegar and foods made with it. Then, include in the diet plenty of leafy greens, roughage and drink at least 8 glasses of liquids a day. That does not include beer or alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, they can irritate the bowl. When a daily probiotic like plain yogurt without sugared fruits is added to the diet, intestinal flora flourish and the bowl settles down. The inclusion of oat bran in the diet can act as an intestinal broom. Many times the pain a person was taking numerous pills to manage, disappears within a week of changing the diet and including some form of yoga, daily walk, or mild exercise.

Migraine headaches can have several causes. One of the more commonly known is food allergy. Foods that can be triggers for migraines include cheese, red wine-and especially when eaten together-chocolate, the food additive MSG-monosodium glutamate, synthetic sugar substitutes, caffeine in coffee, tea and certain sodas, AND any food to which a person is allergic. Almost everyone has some sort of reaction or food allergy to some food or food component or processing chemical. If one feels enervated after ingesting a certain food or food processing chemical, falls asleep, gets groggy, or has hives-the most commonly visible symptom-then one may be experiencing a reaction. Sugar-plain table sugar-can produce hyperactivity in certain people and, particularly, in children.

Obesity may be a related factor from food allergies.

Probably the most important step one can take to control the ecology of the body is to eat clean, chemical-additive-free food and beverages and, if possible, organically-grown foods.

Another factor in the management of pain is making certain that blood sugar levels are balanced at all times. If one is constantly eating a diet of starches, sugar foods and snacks, and meats, then the pH of the body most likely will become acidic and that, in turn, encourages all kinds of problems for the body from pain to disease. The best way to balance blood sugar is to eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, and enjoy healthy snacks such as fruit, raw seeds and nuts, yogurt, or protein bars.

If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you. And one way that the body reciprocates for good care, is no pain and no disease. Then there are hardly any pills but much possibility for enjoying life.

Today’s video is about acupuncture. Extremely Interesting